Linda Vista Adventist
Elementary School
Read-a-thon 2023 - Monday, April 17 to Monday, May 1
At the beginning of the 2023-2024 school year, Linda Vista will be getting two baby Nigerian Dwarf goats! In addition to being extremely cute, playful, and lovable, they'll also encourage an atmosphere of joy on campus and provide opportunities fore caretaking and microbusiness for our students. See lvaes.org/goats for more information about our campus goats!
The budget for this initiative is $15,000, which will include building a 12'x24' barn, enclosing a .4 acre pasture, purchasing the necessary caretaking supplies, and two registered Nigerian Dwarf goats from Oats & Ivy Farm in Somis, CA. Funds raised beyond the $15,000 will go toward renovating our classrooms, which will cost approximately $5,000 each for new paint and carpeting.
Our spring read-a-thon will encourage our students to develop their love of reading while also helping to develop our school. The read-a-thon will take place for two weeks, beginning Monday, April 17, and ending Monday, May 1. Students will acquire donors to sponsor them as they pursue their reading and fundraising goals. To encourage students, there will be small incentives along the way, but the biggest incentive will be the goats.
Donors can sponsor students per hour read or a flat amount. Donors who give at least $500 total will earn a permanent plaque on our donor recognition wall. This is a perfect option for alumni, longtime supporters of Linda Vista, or businesses, since the commemoration will be there for many years to come.
Students who raise at least $1000 will earn the right to help paint a mural – with their name a part of it – on the barn: a permanent place in Linda Vista’s history.
Read-a-thon Dates to Remember
Monday, April 10 - Begin acquiring sponsorships
Sunday, April 16 - Get a stack of fun books to read
Monday, April 17 - Begin reading! Don't forget to fill out your daily reading log.
Monday, April 24 - Turn in your first week's reading log!
Monday, May 1 - Read-a-thon ends. Turn in your second week's reading log!
Monday, May 8 - Turn in sponsorship funds
Fundraising - Donations due May 8
Students will acquire donors to sponsor them as they pursue their reading and fundraising goals. Sponsorships can be per hour read or a flat amount. Donors who give a total of at least $500 will earn a permanent plaque on our donor recognition mural.
Donors can easily sponsor students in one of three ways:
In-person (Pay students directly with check/cash or online at www.lvaes.org/donate.)
Online at app.99pledges.com/fund/lvadventistreads2023. Be sure to find the student's name!
Mailing a check, payable to “LVAES”, to 5050 Perry Way, Oxnard, CA 93036.
We have enrolled the help of an online fundraising platform called 99pledges.com to help with the sponsorship process. You should have received an email with information on how to customize your child's page and share it with potential sponsors. If you did not receive it or if you need help with this process, please contact Mr. Fox.
You may also download paper record keeping sheets and business sponsorship at the bottom of this page below.
Read-a-thon Prizes